During the hcg diet plan phase 1, you’ll be eating a low-calorie, high-fiber diet that’s meant to help ease your way into a healthy way of eating. There’s a lot of speculation about what you should eat during this first phase. But the truth is, each person’s experience on the hcg diet is different, and what works for one person may not work for someone else. To help you understand what your body needs and responds well to during phase 1, we’ve compiled this list of tips and tricks for what you should be eating during phase 1 of the hcg diet plan.

Eat whole, fresh foods

Eating whole, fresh foods is the most important thing you can do during phase 1 of the hcg diet plan. You should aim to eat as many foods that are in their natural state as possible. This means eating lots of fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains, nuts, legumes, seeds, and beans. These foods aren’t necessarily low calorie, but they are full of nutrients that your body needs to thrive. Foods that are high in saturated fat, sugar, and salt should be eaten in moderation until your body adjusts to the hcg diet. These foods aren’t necessary for the plan to be effective.

Go easy on protein

During phase 1 of the hcg diet plan you should try to limit the amount of protein you eat. Protein is a big part of every diet, but it’s particularly important during the first phase of the hcg diet. Protein is a nutrient with a high calorie content, so it should be eaten in moderation. Excess protein can cause your body to store more fat, which is exactly what you don’t want to happen when you’re on a low-fat, high-fiber diet. Instead of focusing on eating more protein, you should be eating more of the foods that are actually meant to be included in a low-calorie diet: fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

Eat healthy fats

When you’re eating a low-calorie diet, you may think that fats are off-limits. However, the right types of fats can actually help you lose weight and stay fuller longer, which is why they’re important during phase 1 of the hcg diet plan. Some good sources of healthy fats include: avocados, olives, almonds, and sunflower seeds. These will help keep your blood sugar levels balanced, which is essential for weight loss.

Be smart about carbs

During phase 1 of the hcg diet plan, you should try to avoid eating many types of carbs. This is because too many carbs can cause your body to store excess fat. But there are a few types of carbs that can actually help with weight loss. These include: whole grains, vegetables, and fruit. Foods like potatoes and corn can increase your insulin levels, which causes your body to store fat. Foods like broccoli and asparagus contain fiber, which boosts your metabolism, helping you to burn more calories. Foods like beans and lentils are also high in fiber, and can help keep you full.

Don’t forget to drink water!

This may sound silly, but it’s important to remember to stay hydrated when you’re on a low-calorie diet. Staying hydrated not only helps your body to flush out toxins and waste products, but it also helps to keep your blood sugar levels balanced.


The hcg diet is a low-calorie, high-fiber diet that’s meant to help ease your way into a healthy way of eating. During phase 1 of the hcg diet plan, you should try to eat a lot of whole, fresh foods that are high in fiber and nutrients, and avoid eating too many foods that are high in calories.