When you start the hCG diet, the first few weeks can be tough. You’ll be extremely hungry, your cravings for sugar and carbs will be intense and you’ll be so focused on changing your diet that you’ll feel like you are in limbo. There are many things you can do to help yourself get through this phase. Keep reading to learn about some of the most common mistakes people make during the hCG diet phase 1 so that you can avoid falling into these traps and get the most out of your program from day one onward.

Eating too many fruits and vegetables

Some people make the mistake of taking too many fruits and vegetables when on the hCG diet. Doing this will not only make you feel extremely full but it will also make your bowel movements more frequent. You should aim to eat around 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-3 servings of fruit per day. The best way to do this is to make a vegetable and a fruit salad with some low-fat yogurt as dressing. You can also try andpping your salad with some nuts or seeds to make it more filling.

Taking a multivitamin

Some people take a multivitamin while on the hCG diet. This is something you should only do if you’re really struggling to get enough vitamins from your diet. Vitamin B is one vitamin that you need to take particular care of if you are on the hCG diet.If you are taking a multivitamin, make sure it has very few calories and is low in carbs so that you aren’t adding unnecessary calories to your diet. It’s best to skip the multivitamin at the beginning of your diet and then start it again once you’ve finished the initial phase.

Excessively exercising during the hunger stage

Some people make the mistake of exercising too much during the hunger stage of the hCG diet. Exercising too much while you are in this phase is not only unnecessary but it can cause you to lose focus and drive you to give up on the program.Exercising should be kept to a minimum during this stage. It is best to focus on maintaining a healthy diet and getting plenty of rest during this phase. However, if you feel like you need to get out of the house and get some fresh air, it is okay to do so, just try to do it in moderation.

Eating too much fat

Some people make the mistake of eating too much fat during the hCG diet. Eating too much fat will likely have you feeling lethargic and tired. It is best to avoid eating too many fats when on the hCG diet.This means eating foods that are high in carbohydrates and low in fats. It is also a good idea to eat smaller meals more frequently so that you don’t get too hungry.

Eating too much protein

Some people make the mistake of eating too much protein during the hCG diet. Eating too much protein can have you feeling uncomfortable and bloated. It is best to avoid eating too much protein when on the hCG diet.Eating too much protein will likely cause you to have irregular bowel movements and make it harder for you to lose weight.


The hCG diet can be a great way to jumpstart your weight loss journey. However, it can also be very challenging and may even be unappealing to some people. You can avoid falling into these common hCG diet mistakes by following the advice provided. With these mistakes out of the way, you’ll be well prepared to get the most out of your hCG diet phase 1.